Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bonner bristles at stinging review

What are your thoughts?



Anonymous said...

Just curious. As a first year teacher why don't I get 18 months on the job before being evaluated? I can be terminated within the first 90 days and must be evaluated twice within the first 150 days. If I survive this ordeal I can look forward to being evaluated twice in 150 days for the next two years, assuming evaluations continue to be satisfactory. Sorry, I need to correct myself. Even if my evaluations are satisfactory, I can be let go in my first three years without being given a reason. And I'm paid 25% of what the superintendent makes.

15 December, 2009

Anonymous said...

"...I will try to be a little more Black..." What kind of a comment is this from the leader of the school system? And what exactly does this comment mean? Are we playing the race card again? I do ,however, agree with the superintendent when she said, "if everything was fine then why did you bring in a change agent?" Unfortunately for our superintendent, there are ways of going about things and building bridges which she hasn't mastered yet.

15 December, 2009

Anonymous said...

The Superintendent got a grade of 47.5 on her evaluation. She did not meet expectations on over half of the evaluative criteria used. If this was the MCAS she would probably be in favor of trying to fire teachers regardless of what their contract said because contractual language seems to mean nothing to her. Well, in my opinion, what's good for the goose....

15 December, 2009

Anonymous said...

What happens now? With a failing gradfe on her evaluation does she begin looking for a new job while we pay her or doe she continue trying to make life miserable for teachers and the union?

Anonymous said...

Let's be clear: she rejects with contempt the opinion of the committee

Anonymous said...

Does she even realize that this was not a good evaluation? Does she even care? 18 months and counting at over $12,000 a month. Not bad pay while you plot your exit. She will have the last laugh and the committee will have egg on their collective faces and stay inside next time. Maybe we had better start being nice to Dennis.

In The Know said...

Why don't we look at this as the glass being half full? An awakening call? Certainly if she is to be a one term superintendent she will want to leave with a good evaluation. Wouldn't you want perspective employers to see that you made progress after making mistakes in your first assignment?
Loook for the Supt. to try to mend fences with the union and with her bosses.

Anonymous said...

As an Educator in this city, I was embarrassed by Monday night's fiasco. I feel my 5th grade students act in a more mature matter then the adults sitting on stage. Shame on Ms. Pollock & Dr, Bonner for using the race card. Just one more step for the state to take over the city's school department.

Anonymous said...

Where do we go from here? A lame duck superintendent, a lame duck deputy assistant superintendent, a lame assistant superintendent, a lame duck headmaster at the high school. We are complaining about going outside for leadership, however, do we really like the inside alternatives???? The devil you know isn't always better than the devil you don't know. Thank goodnees for some continuity in union leadership.

Anonymous said...

Now that the SOS's evaluation is done, isn't it time to turn to Dennis Winn? With him we have the enemy from within. How about evaluating him on how well he's done. Is there a rating lower than does not meet expectations? If not, maybe they should put one in just for him. This good ole boy needs to be stopped!

Anonymous said...

In a way I kind of hope Dennis Winn is the next superintendent. It will be fun beating the pants off of him every time he violates the contract. I remember once, when principal, he wrote a letter trying to discourage perpective bidders from bidding into a position at his school because he liked the person he had. This guy has a history of violating union members rights. If we are going to go inside, let's go Dennis.

The Insider said...

I think we have sealed our fate for years to come. That is, I expect the next few superintendents to come from the inside. This is in no way a shot at Bonner. Rather, it is a reflection on the school committee. What outsider, after hearing the way this superintendent was treated, will want to work for this school committee? No support, in-fighting, lack of respect, racial comments, implying there are different expectations for people of color than others, etc. Bonner may not be the best, but there is enough blame to go around.

Anonymous said...

All I can say to Dr. Bonner is, "What goes around comes around". Her due may have just begun.
Teachers, just sit back and watch the games begin. Do your job wth the enthusiasm it warrents. There is no better or sweeter revenge than success. Good luck

Anonymous said...

How nice. The superintendent gets a failing grade on her evaluation, gets to stay in her job with an opportunity to improve, and gets a raise according to her contract. She must be told within 6 months if her contract will be renewed but has 12 months remaining beyond the 6 months with an additional raise. In addition this this, the possiblity of a buyout is always there. If our union leaders are looking for ideas for our next contract, I hope they are paying attention.

The Curious One said...

I would be very interested in reading what the language in the superintendent's contract says. How many vacation days? How many can be accummulated? Can she effectively "go on vacation" the last few months of her contract while looking for a job and while being paid? What provisions to look for a job if her contract is not renewed? I make these points because I'm sure the wording in her contract is air-tight and is expected by her to be honored by her bosses. My question is: Why does she expect the language in her contract to be honored but has absolutely no regards for the language in ours? She says the wording in our contract is ancient and prohibitive to making changes for what's best for New Bedford Schools (so she doesn't feel compelled to follow the contract). What would happen if the school committee decided to follow her lead? What if they decided to not follow the terms of her contract in the best interest of the New Bedford schools? What if they decided to stop the bleeding and fire her now without paying the remainder of her contract? We would wind up in court because suddenly the language in a contract woud mean something.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Our superintendent seems to be somewhat of a contradiction. She values the meaning of her contract but doesn't respect unions. She favors the protection afforded her in her contract but supports legislation that would destroy protection afforded others in their contracts. She gets evaluated after 18 months on the job but supports legislation calling for union members to be evaluated every year. She gets 18 months advanced notice that she probably won't be rehired but fires union members on the spot and forces the union to fight to get their jobs back. Her recent comments seem to indicate she expects to be a hot commodity even with a bad evaluation and a non renewal. The irony is she is probably right.

Anonymous said...

In a way I kind of hope Dennis Winn is the next superintendent. It will be fun beating the pants off of him every time he violates the contract. I remember once, when principal, he wrote a letter trying to discourage perpective bidders from bidding into a position at his school because he liked the person he had. This guy has a history of violating union members rights. If we are going to go inside, let's go Dennis.

The Curious One said...

Is the superintendent's evaluation a matter of public record? If so, can we post it for all to read?

Anonymous said...

Outside of elections, who provides the school committee with a review of their performance?

Anonymous said...

Which one of you would want to have to comment publicly on your evulation after 4 hours? Do I think she is the answer for us? No but what boy do we want next?

Anonymous said...

In a perfect world I sign a contract as a new teacher, get laid off within 90 days, and get paid the remainder of the contract while I look for another job. I don't like my evaluation but who cares? I got paid anyway.