Friday, August 6, 2010

New Bedford teachers union rejects wage freeze for fiscal 2011 |

New Bedford teachers union rejects wage freeze for fiscal 2011 |


Anonymous said...

There is a solid way to attempt to predict how much money New Bedford WILL get from the Education Jobs Bill that was just passed. Look at the Chapter 70 funding formula...New Bedford receives about 2.75% of all that state money. Now if Massachusetts is getting $204 million in new teacher job money just multiply that by 2.75% and you will come up with about $5.6 million. Keep in mind that this is nearly twice as much as would have been saved with a pay freeze. So, the union was correct to reject this pay freeze. Great job to Lou, the MTA rep and the general membership. Everyone that attended can verify the process was very fair...sorry Dirty Harry.

Anonymous said...

The confident words of someone without a pink slip.

Anonymous said...

Everything was explained by our buddy (I'll withhold his name but we all love him)

"First they'll kick out your teeth...then they'll stomp you for mumbling."