Sunday, March 4, 2012

Carol Strupczewski Replies to Tom Davis

Good morning Tom

I appreciate your answer as to your comments at the Mayor’s Education Forum the other night and that you along with many other people, including myself, are dedicated to working towards making our school system one of the best in the Commonwealth, as it once was. Negative remarks, at least that how the statement came across to me, won’t accomplish success, in my opinion. On Thursday morning at the Superintendent’s Roundtable meeting, we all heard many positive statements and initiatives being currently implemented and those that will be set in place to help students in our school system. Bringing this to light would enlighten the audience to what is and will be taking place. Marge did exactly that when she made her statement on Thursday evening telling everyone about the various options available to students who are at-risk or wish to drop out of school (Bernadette Coelho’s program “Career Pathways” which was formerly “Drop-out Prevention”) and how by pursuing this avenue of education they can achieve academic success and earn a high school diploma.

I am hoping that you will be attending the final Education Forum later this month and will see fit to address the audience with a positive accomplishment in our school system. Everyone is aware of the many issues and challenges facing not only our school district but districts across the country. We, and I mean everyone, parents, students, community members, and business leaders must work together at making this happen for the sake of our community, state, and country.

The biggest challenge, in my opinion, is getting the full cooperation from the students and their parents. In the summer I wrote an editorial pertaining to this issue. I look forward to working with you and everyone on making New Bedford Public Schools one of the top districts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Have a wonderful day.

Carol Strupczewski


Anonymous said...

Keep his feet to the fire. Don't let him weasel out of this. Any apology he makes must be public.

Anonymous said...

The kids are supposed to be our common denominator... if this were true, the UIA and Ed Roundtable would request a meeting with teachers to sit down and ask our opinions about what works and waht doesn't; what we need; and what they can do to help. Obviously they have a different agenda. Don't get snowed by their cries to "help the children", they are simply self-serving