Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Teachers inspire their students to be lifelong readers

I teach at-risk students at NBHS Twilight Program. We try to teach high interest stories to our students who have not met with success in day school. Last year, I taught a class who read Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom.

One female student was so taken by his writing style, she got a library card and read all of his books. She encouraged her mother to get a library card as well and the entire family is reading together now.

In the same program we read the Kite Runner for senior English class. The book is often met with various groans from students. When I assure them they will love the story, they are still skeptical regarding a book about Afghanistan. But last year, I had a class that was so engrossed that they walked down the hall with their noses in the book, on days we were going to the computer room. One student asked if teachers got graduation gifts for students. I told him that it was unusual because I see so many students graduate. He responded with- "Oh, I wanted the other book by the author of the Kite Runner." Since I rarely have students ask for books, I made sure I had a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns for him when he walked across the stage. Another teacher made sure that he had his own copy of The Kite Runner, as well. When I met his mother, she remarked that Kite Runner is all her son had talked about for the entire school year.

Teachers introduce students to the world of books. It's never too late to inspire a budding reader!!

Pamela Oliveira
New Bedford High School

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I know I share books with some of my students... some of them now recommend books to me!