Thursday, January 10, 2013

Appearance on Phil Paleologos Show

I think the criticism of Dutra and Davis’s letter to the Standard Times is very valid. While I didn’t get much time to talk about it on the show, I think that the letter is sorely lacking in supporting data (I believe when I was at Betsey B. Winslow Elementary we called it SSD, specific supporting details – thanks Mrs. Wagner). Imagine in argument in which you cite specific facts and expert opinions, and then the opposition’s rebuttal is simply “Sorry but you’re wrong. Now, I rest my case” because that’s exactly what happened in the Standard Times last week.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed listening to Phil Paleologis suck up to Craig Dutra. Philly must think Craig has the money to save his level 4 greasy spoon.

Anonymous said...

Phil made an ASS of himself during the show. It was obvious St. John rattled his cage.

Anonymous said...

Craig, poor Craig, you are so out of your league. Perhaps you should spend more time with Carolina.

Anonymous said...

Josh Amaral is correct to be "afraid of the wrong change." We are talking about limited resources as they apply to a complex system. Why the complex system can be thrown open to any idea that comes round the bend is the real question.

Josh Amaral also spots that positions of various school committee members and the self appointed education roundtable is that anything is "worth a try." Think about that for a second, or longer. Prominent individuals with no understanding of urban education in Massachusetts can push conversions of our schools with the absurd argument that "its worth a try." Dutra and Davis' most recent op ed is instructive, since their sole justification for their proposals is their sense that administration and unions have been too slow to change in the past. Such a sweeping generalization about the past cannot be used as the justification for future specific conversions of our schools with millions of dollars at stake.

The elephant that never enters the room might make an appearance yet if we look at Josh Amaral's comments about "re-shaping the entire district at once." In fact this is underway. the union and administration have an approved turnaround plan, have a new contract ( unlike many districts in MA) with educationally sound changes like planning time, and a new research based evaluation system ( ahead, again, of many districts and states). These are changes which the loudest media and community voices know nothing about. How we can take these people seriously on education is beyond me.

NBEA is actually working daily to move the district forward and avoid making the "wrong change." Please emphasize that where ever possible. "Its worth a try."