Saturday, November 23, 2013

Superintendent calls schools safe; union questions numbers |


Anonymous said...

I can bet that Pia believes in unicorns and the Easter bunny too!

Anonymous said...

as·sault[ ə sáwlt ]

1.physical or verbal attack: a violent physical or verbal attack

2.threat of bodily harm: an unlawful threat or attempt to do violence or harm to somebody else

Anonymous said...

Definition of violence (n)

vi·o·lence[ v ələnss ]

1.physical force: the use of physical force to injure somebody or damage something

2.destructive force: extreme, destructive, or uncontrollable force, especially of natural events

3.fervor: intensity of feeling or expression

Anonymous said...

I attached a link below that is a interesting read. The next headmaster at NBHS might be a even more important hire than Dr. Durkin . The wrong choice can not be made again.

An effective urban school is not lead by a principal functioning as a building manager but by an individual functioning as the leader of a non-profit community organization. The effective leader of an urban poverty school accomplishes three basic goals: s/he creates a common vision; builds effective teams to implement that vision; and engenders commitment to task, i.e. the persistent hard work needed to engender learning. This means that the effective principal does not conceive of him/herself as the representative of the central office down to those in the school but as the advocate for all the constituent groups in the school community upward. The threat to the system of such leadership is that the effective principal’s highest priority is helping the teachers, staff, parents and community demand what is in the best interests of stimulating, enhancing and protecting the learning of children. A leader who advocates upward will inevitably question central office’s budget and policy decisions and this is the exact opposite of what the failed system wants. In order to maintain itself the system needs a top-down messenger who will simply inform the school community of the budget that has been allocated, the decisions that have already been made and then deliver the compliance of all the constituencies in the school community back up to his/her superiors in central office. The dysfunctional bureaucracy recruits and rewards principals who will keep a lid on failing schools, not individuals who would seek to transform them. Transformation would change the way power, benefits and unearned privileges are now distributed and the dysfunctional system reacts to such serious threat with strong blocking strategies.

Many of those who seek to become principals in this limited and limiting pool, are people whose motivation is to escape the classroom, gain more status and higher salary. They are neither star teachers nor individuals with the goal, the drive or the ability to transform failing schools.

Anonymous said...

You people need better classroom management, that's it. Don't you know how to deescalate tensions? Can't you get the violent students excited about your rigorous lessons? What's wrong with you teachers?

Anonymous said...

Safe school, REALLY! Since when does someone feel safe if they are worried about being beaten up? When does someone feel safe when they are being bullied? When is a teacher safe when he/she is injured breaking up a fight or, as one post put it, jumped by students in the classroom?

To the School Committee, Mayor, and Superintendent, start by implementing strict disciplinary actions for all students who break the rules as they know the consequences of their actions. All students and their parents have the STUDENT HANDBOOK. Make the students accountable for their violations of the rules.

STOP THE POOR EXCUSES. Some of these problematic students will soon become adults and continue with this type of behavior which is why we have so many people in jail!

Anonymous said...

At the high school, we have large classes, no EFFECTIVE discipline, very unsafe working conditions, not enough resources (computers and textbooks), MANY low-level learners (some with language barriers) without aides mixed in with AP students IN THE SAME CLASS. . . . . . . . .is there any wonder students aren't getting the education they deserve? (I see it every day in the classroom.) Who are "the experts" that promoted this insanity? Forget "differentiated instruction." It doesn't work with these numbers! We are definitely a 100 year "throw back" to the ONE ROOM SCHOOLHOUSE from the last century. THIS IS PROGRESS?

Anonymous said...

In safe schools teachers are not physically assaulted some of whom have been hospitalized.

Anonymous said...

I think that Pia should take PD courses on how to be an effective leader.

Anonymous said...

The teacher is responsible for the safety of the kids. With that in mind, he/she has a responsibility to break up fights. If they stand by, they can be held accountable if someone is hurt/killed. At Columbine, teacher/coach Dave Sanders ran toward the gunfire and paid with his life. He saved hundreds of lives and bled to death over three hours. That student who threatened David - because that's what that was - deserves to be expelled. I hope they throw the book at the one who assaulted you and that you sue the parents of that kid.