Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Follow the money ... Submitted to NBEA

The story of Pia Durkin and the New Bedford school system is like one of those low budget made for television movies known for their shallow characters, poor dialog, and predictable plot. Anyone who wants to predict the outcome of the Pia Durkin story need only follow the money.

Pia Durkin is not stupid. She certainly knows that low student performance and violent behavior are the product of parenting that can best be described as criminally incompetent, a problem she has no power to correct. In order to appear that she's doing something she'll fire a bunch of teachers who are paid relatively well and replace them with kids just out of college who will work for much less. This will produce a short term up front savings that Pia Durkin and her peanut gallery of supporters can crow about but obviously won't solve any real problems. When her bold and ambitious plan fails to make anyone smarter, she'll blame the teachers union, the tight fisted state bureaucracy, or some other convenient scapegoat.

Then she'll move on and play the same stupid game in another community, or she'll retire.

The elephant has spoken... 


Anonymous said...

The elephant is wise ... He actually puts children first. Wouldn't it be novel if Dr. Durkin, Mayor Mitchell, and our elected SC members shared this sentiment. Sadly, priorities are askew in our fine city. Friend of the great and powerful elephant has spoken!

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted that Dr Durkin would be given a three year contract, a boat load of money, and full support of people who don't know her from Adam when she had not even. proved herself. Let's keep throwing money at the top position and see if that helps. Oh right and let's fire the people who have been doing God's work so we can pay her salary. smh

Anonymous said...

She has seen nb's history and is waiting for a payout when her plan fails.... 4 supt's in the last six years. .... still paying off six figure salaries and no one has finished the job yet