Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The perfect rouse ... Submitted to NBEA

I believe the education debate, the loss of jobs is getting buried in the "Do Not Support" so-called NBEA campaign.

This is a perfect rouse for the city's leadership, superintendent, and SC. It is taking the focus off of the true problems and diverting what should be significant "District" discussions into blabber from third parties that although may know their own business, do not necessarily know or understand ours: and that is how to teach and reach students.

Now, naysayers may say exactly the point: teacher are doing an awful job; look at the MCAS results.

I've learned along time ago that just because I listen to music, I'm no musician, and just because I drive a car, it doesn't qualify me to race NASCAR. 

The same can be said of people arms-length away from actually teaching content in NB. Don't think because you employ people, work with the public, or have a child in school, that you "fully" understand what it takes to educate the children (not just your child) of a city like NB. 

You may have a better shot at understanding the needs of Newton or Wellesley, but not necessarily NB.

If the war is going bad, you fire or reassign the brass, not the soldier. Same is true in a company, if you want to move the company in a different direction. You look at your management team first, skilled workers second. Companies that cut workers first are looking at their bottom line first, trying to catch their breath. 

I hope this exercise of replacing teachers is not a balancing of the budget on the backs of the teachers. The more I think about it...hmmm.

The blogger that said the issues are deep rooted in cultural and economics is dead on. Leadership is reacting to a sick patient without investigating why the patient is sick, and go from there.

Please don't say there is no time for that!

Even though some may say that bloggers are cowards, the bloggers know the implications of signing their names, and this severely hampers our ability to defend ourselves in the ST. That is why you'll see more pieces reflecting the non-teacher side of events. The ST has jammed their swords the ground. Unless parents sit down and write, this battle is lost.

One thing that amazes me is how teachers remain silent on commenting on their own school's leadership, be it good or bad. I do get it, all too well, and your administrators should recognize this fact, and give everyone of their teachers a big hug when they return from the holidays. Merry Christmas. 

It is truly in the nature of teachers to be kind and warm, even in the face of distress.

Lets all check where we are today, and begin a new discussion on getting to the root of the issues that plague this city and its education issues.

Stop listening, ear to ground for the bus, because you're about to get flattened by the semi carrying the Trojan Horse, and that seems quite perfect for our leadership. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Addressing SEI/ELL issue in our schools effectively would make a huge difference. That is a management issue not a teacher issue. Where are the miracle workers needed for the schools to address the social emotional issues of so many students? Leadership is not sitting back. and criticizing. Where are ask the ad signers? I thought they wanted to help.