Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Councillor Steven Martins, Elected President Pro-Tem gave a speech on behalf of the City Council at the 2014 Inaugural Ceremony. These were his words on education:

"While the City Council recognizes the City government’s responsibilities, we also know that the decisions we make in the next two years will determine what New Bedford will look like. I think we can all agree that in shaping the future of our City, our children and their schools must come first.


With that, we would like to congratulate members of the School Committee on their re-election, Larry Finnerty, Jack Nobrega, Bruce Oliveira and newly elected member, Josh Amaral. We honor your leadership and commitment to improving our New Bedford School System and the City Council wants to continue to play an active role with you and work together on the decisions facing our schools. The days of when the “School Committee” does its job and the “City Council” does theirs and the “Mayor” does his must come to an end. The City Council believes that for our school system to succeed, we must all work together as a team to give students the education they deserve.


The residents of this City have elected us as ONE, perfectly knowing that no one can be a superhero in improving our education system. What is important to note is that we already have super men and woman in the classroom, making a difference every day in the lives of our students.  They are not waiting for anyone or any change – They have been fighting every day to make a stronger New Bedford. The City Council understands for our teachers to succeed they need all of us as their partners, including parents. We must continue to work together, to create a seamless partnership, from the classroom to the family room to help our children learn and succeed.”


Anonymous said...

Nice speech by Steve Martins, but....congratulations are definitely NOT in order for any school committee member with the exception of Josh Amaral. The other three did not deserve to be re-elected. But that is so typical of the voters of New the same people year after year no matter what the record shows. Larry Finnerty has shown his true colors in voting in favor of the innovation school, Durkin's turnaround plan, and having no answers to last spring's budget crisis. He is a traitor to his profession and not a friend to the teachers of New Bedford. Jack Nobrega is practically brain-dead - his claim to fame is the number of jobs he has procured for his friends over the last 30 years. On of the other school committee should have a stick handy so they can poke him when he starts dozing off at the next school committee meeting. And, sadly, Bruce Oliveira has recently proven that he is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Martins, it is admirable that you are attempting to cover all bases, but you can't. "Partners" do not in good faith fire 50 percent of the high school teachers. And if you think it is going to stop there, you're kidding yourself. The domino effects, not just one row, that will fail if this turnaround plan is selected will be felt for years to come, and the truth is that others will be left with the mess. Just pass the buck, which is so common here.

The mess that has been created in our city is less from the teachers than any other group, by a nautical mile. Chose a group and see if it passes muster. Our leaders are weaseling their way to the background, deferring to the superintendent on all education matters, with no one doing due diligence; taking litmus tests along the way.

Anonymous said...

So, you mention Mr. Finnerty If anyone should share in the accountability for the mess we are in, it should be him. He is one of the original casts of the “Good Old Boys” club during the Longo days. Take a look at the David Grogan piece in the Standard Times, “ New Bedford Schools need financial order out of the chaos” 1/07/14. Today’s budget concerns can still traced back to that administration and Mr. Finnerty was part of the “Cabinet” at the time. He has since sat on the school committee for the couple of terms now and what has he done to correct the problems in the school department, nothing but throw the teachers under the bus. Mr. Finnerty, how you can wake up and look yourself in the mirror is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Steve Martins spoke highly of the mayor during the grafatti removal initiative. Who's side is he on?