Thursday, December 17, 2009

Neither side talking buyout of Portia Bonner's contract

Should they be talking about it? What are your thoughts?


In The Know said...

You can bet the lawyers for each side are touching base to see what it would take. She has 18 months at over $12,000 per month plus benefits which include sick days, plus vacation days, etc. Figure 12 months pay plus benefits for a total of about $200,000 plus an assurance from the SC not to give a negative recommendation if contacted. She will, however, hedge her bet and complete two full years on the outside chance that maybe her contract will be renewed in July. If not renewed, look for the scenario described above.

Anonymous said...

I'll take that deal myself. I subscibe to a magazine called American School Board as I'm sure our school committee members and our superintendent do. This kind of thing goes on quite frequently across the country with the superintendents usually landing on their respective feet. Some superintendents in larger school districts are bought out for monetary figures much larger than the figure quoted above. And the person above is correct. Many times there are qualifiers in the buyout agreement such as no negative recommendations or negative comments will be given to perspective employers. Benefits may be continued for the life of the original contract or until employment is obtained. I read about one superintendent bought out of the last year in one district and then hired for another job paying more than the one he was bought out of. The travel may be discouraging but you can't beat the pay.

Curious said...

If bought out does one qualify for unemployment benefits? If so, not a bad deal.