Wednesday, December 2, 2009

OUR VIEW: Judgment day for Bonner |

OUR VIEW: Judgment day for Bonner |

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JB said...

Portia Selene Bonner Superintendent of Schools Candidate Interview , March 14, 2008

Copy and paste the link onto your browser and then enjoy the show. The acting if excellent.

Anonymous said...

Just curious. As a first year teacher why don't I get 18 months on the job before being evaluated? I can be terminated within the first 90 days and must be evaluated twice within the first 150 days. If I survive this ordeal I can look forward to being evaluated twice in 150 days for the next two years, assuming evaluations continue to be satisfactory. Sorry, I need to correct myself. Even if my evaluations are satisfactory, I can be let go in my first three years without being given a reason. And I'm paid 25% of what the superintendent makes.

Anonymous said...

"...I will try to be a little more Black..." What kind of a comment is this from the leader of the school system? And what exactly does this comment mean? Are we playing the race card again? I do ,however, agree with the superintendent when she said, "if everything was fine then why did you bring in a change agent?" Unfortunately for our superintendent, there are ways of going about things and building bridges which she hasn't mastered yet.

Anonymous said...

The Superintendent got a grade of 47.5 on her evaluation. She did not meet expectations on over half of the evaluative criteria used. If this was the MCAS she would probably be in favor of trying to fire teachers regardless of what their contract said because contractual language seems to mean nothing to her. Well, in my opinion, what's good for the goose....

The Insider said...

Where do we go from here? A lame duck superintendent, a lame duck deputy assistant superintendent, a lame assistant superintendent, a lame duck headmaster at the high school. We are complaining about going outside for leadership, however, do we really like the inside alternatives???? The devil you know isn't always better than the devil you don't know. Thank goodnees for some continuity in union leadership.

Anonymous said...

Why did they hire someone whose expertise was science and not education? How about hiring someone who respects what we do and understands current research on teaching? I'm for donating towards buying her out. She's been rude, insulting and condescending to almost everyone. What an erxample for our students. Oh wait... that must be why good behavior has suddenly declined.