Friday, June 11, 2010

Early Retirement Information - Calls Needed

A teacher early retirement incentive has been incorporated into two different versions of the Municipal Relief Bill. Different versions of this bill have been passed by the House and Senate and those are being resolved in a conference committee. Both versions (H. 4631 and S. 2436) authorize an incentive (up to three years of service or age or combination thereof not exceeding three) provided it is approved by the municipal chief executive and school committee. Liability costs of the incentive would be assumed by the municipality.

Unfortunately, the Senate version restricts the incentive to non-Retirement Plus participants. The House version contains no such eligibility restriction but delays enactment until after a study is completed and a new law is enacted.

Please call or e-mail your state senator and representative as soon as possible asking them to lobby members of the conference committee to adopt the incentive without eligibility or implementation restrictions.

Legislators can be reached through the State House switchboard at 617-722-2000 or send an e-mail by going to



Joe said...

Thanks for keeping us informed!

Anonymous said...

Why cut Retirement Plus?