Friday, September 24, 2010

Mass. to receive $27M to develop merit pay system for teachers

Mass. to receive $27M to develop merit pay system for teachers


The Insider said...

This is so typical in our field. The only study on the failure of merit pay comes out, so the next step is to provide millions of dollars for merit pay. Studies on the failure of charter schools or proving that charter schools do no better than traditional schools have come out. What was the next move? Some states lifted the ban on the number of charter schools which could be created and more money was provided. Some even tried to get charter schools established which did not meet the establishment criteria. Studies on the need to improve teacher training, because the teacher is the most important factor in student learning, have come out. The next move? Alternative routes to certification, 5 week boot camps and into the classroom with the promise of at least a 2 year commitment. Amazing.‬

Anonymous said...

Is anyone concerned about the current national teacher/union bashing taking place in the media?

Anonymous said...

the kids who are already doing the right thing, getting the good grades and in the AP classes, have parental support, have had it throughout their educational careers. So now you want to reward the people who were lucky enough to get them into class this year? How about all those teachers who were invested in them throughout Elementary and Middle school? And what about the parents and guardians who did the right thing? Spread the wealth if you truly want to reward those responsible.

the protester said...

I agree with Anonymous who is concerned about the teacher/union bashing going on across the country...there is a hidden agenda somewhere that is lurking in the background. We need to unite as one voice, and take back our schools and our profession from those who have no clue what it's like to try to teach students from impoverished backgrounds, who may be homeless, who may have an incarcerated or substance abusing parent, who may have no food at home, or anyone who will pay even the smallest amount of positive attention to them during the course of a day. And do that with little to no resources, ever-shrinking personnel numbers with ever-increasing class sizes. Let's stop the insanity people and fight back!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another candidate for a garbageman application in order to be eligible for overtime.