Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Question 3? Answer is No

If the Massachusetts sales tax is cut, we all stand to lose something in the process - good schools, strong police and fire protection, and safe roads to drive on every day. These are the things that the sales tax pays for, and without it, our communities will surely suffer.

Schools, public safety and emergency services are necessities that everyone in our state relies on, and these basic services have already faced drastic cuts. If the sales tax is repealed, our communities will lose $2.5 billion in annual revenue, equal to half of what the state gives to our schools every year.

We can't keep cutting billions of dollars from our local aid budgets without doing permanent damage to public education, our health care system and other vital parts of our community. I'm going to vote no on Question 3, because I care about the community that I live in, and I don't want to see it wither away.


Reaper said...

We need to vote this down... pass the message along to any friends, relatives and/or acquaintances that may be municipal employees- police, fire, ambulance and education- it could affect their jobs as well as safety in our cities and towns

Anonymous said...

If this passes, hope Carla Howell's house doesn't catch fire... there won't be any firefighters left to save it.