Saturday, January 14, 2012

Small-schools proposal back on track in New Bedford

Please share your thoughts on this issue.


Anonymous said...

More charter like schools meant to destroy our school system.

Anonymous said...

Tom Clark is now the spokesman of the UIA. I wonder how much it took to buy him out.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe Clark would sell us out.

Anonymous said...

May be hard to believe but it's true. Watch Monday's school committee and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

I guess he's become the Uia high priest.

Anonymous said...

What the hell does Clark know? He just came back into the country last summer. I mean no disrespect. Great job serving your country and all but clearly you can't look for WMDs in Iraq and look for solutions to the problems in New Bedford at the same time. Pick one or the other. Be effective or step out of the way for someone who can. I am not aware that he has visited the middle schools or the high school. None of these people are well informed because they choose to procure their info from outside biased sources instead of doing the homework themselves and seeing the truth for what it is. No surprise; another disappointing leader letting the children of New Bedford down by not doing their job. You want weapons of mass destruction? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the New Bedford School Committee and the UIA.

Anonymous said...

Does no one else see a problem with a religious group getting involved with public education? I thought there was separation between church and state in this country? What a joke. The hypocrisy is simply overwhelming. The UIA is not a public interest group. They are a self interest group. Maybe they piqued Clark's self interest. A seat of their board of trustees perhaps? I hear that's the going rate these days for a charter school approval.

The Watchdog said...

As a student of history, I always look for parallels with the past.
In an effort to appease Adolph Hitler, Neville Chamberlain (British Prime Minister) gave away a large portion of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany.
To appease the UIA, it appears that Tom Clark and the New Bedford School Committee are willing to give one or two schools to the UIA.
We all know what happened during World War II. Hitler continued his thirst for more territory. If we give a single school to the UIA, they will want more.
A UNITED front of countries could have stopped Hitler. A UNITED force of people that are truly concerned about New Bedford's children and schools must stop the UIA.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Tom, mom is not going to be happy with you!

Anonymous said...

Why would you build the New Lincoln school, combining three elementary schools if the intent is to creat small autonomous schools? I thought we were in a budget crisis? Why are we going to create more bills? I know the gise of this theory is to benefit the students, but how 'bout in these economic times we work within our means? Oh and yeah, separation of church and state. I think Mr. Livramento should give up one or the other (NB school comm or UIA) to keep us from reporting him to the ethics commission

Anonymous said...

I think it's safe to say we'll break your union.

Anonymous said...

Either UIA made him drink the Kool aid or he's suffering from some disease .... shame on you Tom.

Anonymous said...

To the commenter that said they will break our union:
You can try but be prepared to have a hell of a fight on your hands. You do not know what is best for the children of this district. My children are NBPS students and I see first hand what the problems are. One of them is people like you that seek to undermine employees rights and safe working conditions by breaking unions.

Anonymous said...

No wonder we have so many problems; the district is run by a bunch of contradicting idiots. Do they realize how stupid they make themselves look? Do they also realize that if the state takes over the jobs at the top will be the ones they axe first? The state has already identified in last year's report the school committee and central admin as being the largest obstacle in the district. When are they going to get a clue? Is this incompetence or complicity? Either way it's the children that pay the price.

Anonymous said...

Just like the 2 charter schools , the autonomous schools will hurt our students but the politicians simply don't care. They are more interested in appearences then facts. In the end it will be our kids that suffer.

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind that the school committee will allow these schools to be created.