Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mrs. Santos’s Class goes to the State House

My class was selected by Senator Mark Montigny to visit him at the State House on April 5, 2012.   Following a classroom visit during our anti-bullying campaign and our Reading campaign, he spent a great deal of time with my students, explaining state government, staying in school, etc., etc.   The Fall visit was then followed by the Spring trip to Beacon Hill, complete with an introduction on the Senate Floor by Senate President Therese Murray as the 'great Grade Five students of the Alfred J. Gomes School in the great city of New Bedford.   

They thrilled to the applause of a full Senate spent time chatting with several Senators, and then spent time in Senator Montigny's office trying out the space.... in his chair, at his desk, conference table and commanding the attention of his staff!  :) This invitation was the culmination of our learning about the American Revolution and the Massachusetts' governmental structure, role of government, and the related concepts throughout the curriculum.  They studied the geodesic design of the dome, the Doric column structure and applied geometry concepts wherever they could find them.  "Mrs. Santos - Did you know that the statue of Abraham Lincoln demonstrates both an Isosceles triangle, and a right triangle in the position of his arms ?"  This comment, from the quietest child in my room who has struggled with Math concepts since the beginning.  From a child of Ecuadorian heritage, " I guess they really gave up a lot so we could be free", when staring breathlessly at the portraits of Congressional debates of the Declaration of Independence.  

They presented Senator Montigny with handwritten letters expressing their concerns for the City, the need for jobs, transportation; one noted the need to ease job application procedures to allow those with a misdemeanor history to be employed.   Another requested longer school days and a longer school year.   They also gave him an album of photos from the year, which he treasured.  

The class has been invited to return to the State House to meet Governor Patrick.  Date TBA.  The day was topped off by a walk through the historic areas of the Boston Common and a tour of the State House 'behind the scenes’!  I was amazed with their learning, their ability to respond to questions with evidence of careful reflection and insight about the City of New Bedford and the needs / wishes of these future voting citizens.    Their 'evidence' of learning was palpable in their conversation with each other, relevancy of questions, and global respect and dedication to their purpose of the day.  

The legislators in both House and Senate stopped in their tracks to remark on how well behaved  - and well dressed - that these children were.    The simplicity of their outfits, 'their church best', made possible with a little 'teacher fairy dust’ was another highlight.  How proud they were to represent their school, and to know that they matter.   These children, now ask for 'extra work' to take home over the weekend.  "Can I have some more math to try?".   I’m proud to be their teacher, and they are proud members of the A.J. Gomes School community.  They are a direct tribute to the hard work and dedication that this staff puts in each and every day to go above and beyond the 'basics' of education.  Regardless of the professions my students ultimately choose, I’m sure they'll do their best at what they do, and hopefully remember to pay it forward when they are called to do so. 

Thanks for letting me share! 

Elaine Santos
Gomes School


Anonymous said...

Great job!

Anonymous said...

That is so amazing. Bravo. Our students should be exposed to civics more consistently. We are supposed to be producing future citizens. We need to educate them how to be knowledgeable ones, not ignorant to the process like so many are.

Anonymous said...

That is just wonderful. What an amazing experience.