Sunday, July 1, 2012

Editor's file: Principal problem at heart of problem schools |

Editor's file: Principal problem at heart of problem schools |


Anonymous said...

Bob Unger says, "About the only time people get worked up is when some 15-year-old stabs a city cop and people blame the schools for failing him." That "some 15-year old" was a human being, You seem to have forgotten that in your zealousness to increase your circulation and keep your job. How's the circluation thing working out for you?

Don't you read your own newspaper, Bob? It was your reporter Steve Urbon, who blamed the New Bedford school system for failing the child that got shot by the police. I find it disturbing how you can be on both sides of every issue. You are very transparent.

Anonymous said...

Happy to that Charis Anderson is award winning. I wouldn't have guessed that based on what I've read so far. Thanks for the information.

Anonymous said...

"As a former teacher and teachers' union officer at a public high school in the 1970s — long before things got really bad in public education in places like New Bedford — I can tell you how hard it was to walk into a class each day knowing that one or two students were going to raise hell and there wasn't much I could do about it because I couldn't count on the backing of the school's administration or the parents who didn't think their children's disruptive behavior was in any way their problem." Bob, if you really taught in the 70's, you have no idea what education is like today and btw, i realize making such statements is meant to make us think you have your finger on the pulse of education but in reality it just shows how out of touch you really are.

Joe Teacher said...

Bob Unger, a union official? Who you kidding?

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob:

I'm glad you read this little blog. While you may find some of the posts to be "negative," I prefer to regard them as realistic.
I guess you weren't here on Friday. You missed the removal of Normandin's principal. That was a major step towards solving the problems in that building, although much work still needs to be done there.
Can you help us out at Roosevelt? Discipline is poor and staff morale is low. The principal leads by threats, coercion, and chaos. Students are not held accountable for learning, attendance, and behavior. These conditions are not exactly conducive to quality education.
Since you had a major hand in the ouster of Dr. Francis, I figure you can work your magic at Roosevelt.
Thanks Bob!

Anonymous said...

Listen, everybody has that tendency to relate some minor job they once had as allowing them insight ( I took a course in pre med, I once subbed in a school, I was in the Army ROTC, I worked in a gas station once and so on). Unger does this all the time. It is a poor, poor substitute for argument and if you look up the rules of logic it is a recognized logical fallacy - appeal to authority. "I have the authority to pronounce on these issues based on my limited experience 30 years ago." Nonsense.

Anonymous said...

The issue of award winning is another clever way of implying an authority that does not exist. In 2011 the Education Reporting Awards gave "awards" to one in five self submissions. In a very limited sub category of awards called "series" reports, Anderson came fourth, mentioned only as an "and" , after "series" first, second, and third places were awarded.

Anonymous said...

Since unger has been in charge circulation is at an all time low. Their days are numbered and who can we blame for that fact?

Anonymous said...

Since Francis was blamed for all the inadequacies of the school system can we blame unger for all that is wrong with the s-t? Certainly that wouldn't be fair even though he has been running the paper for years. Unger is a good man.

Fighting Back said...

My sentiment is that Bob Unger was at least somewhat defending the teachers who have been struggling with students who lack discipline, so in that regard I applaud him for supporting an effort to help bring the matter further to light. However, if the NBEA bloggers sound negative, it's because they are stressed to the max, and because they don't feel supported by the people at the top who should care about the teachers who are teaching the future of New Bedford.

Journalist 101 said...

As a journalist (I wrote a an article for my collage newspaper) of 30 + years I don't think the standard times does a very good job reporting news. Just recently they ignored the fact that Craig Dutra and his wife got drunk at Jon Mitchell's $100 a ticket fundraiser and she got arrested after low speed chase by the Swansee police. How drunk was she? Drunk enough to miss her exit in Westport and end up in Swansea. How drunk was Dutra? Who knows but perhaps she was the most sober of the two?

Education? Charis Anderson, seriously?

Anonymous said...

^Was your college newspaper a collection of pictures glued together?

Anonymous said...

Send Bob a bill for a year subscription to the NBEA Blog... we might as well get something beneficial out of him...

Anonymous said...

Fos once the ST has reported a piece of a fact. I keep equating them to the National Enquirer for their ability to take a tiny factual piece of information and manipuliate it beyond recognition to suit their purposes. Only problem is National Enquirer knows how to do this better and has a greater circulation... geeze, is this Bob's future aspiration?

Anonymous said...

Finally, someone is listening; Peter Sykes is the new principal at Keith, and Jeanne Bonneau is out of Normandin." In unity there is strength!!!"

Anonymous said...

Since John V. was principal of Normandin the school has been through at least three other principals. The staff there has seen fit to denigrate ALL of these people and if I remember correctly they weren't thrilled with John either. Be careful what you wish for. Control starts with you. Be tough enough to take a stand and advocate for our kids.