Saturday, July 7, 2012

Openline Weekend, What are your thoughts?


The Watchdog said...

I am thoroughly disgusted and dismayed by Paul Toner’s actions concerning Stand For Children. He truly is the Neville Chamberlain of unions. Just as Chamberlain thought he could pacify Hitler by giving away the Sudetenland,
Paul Toner thinks he will quiet Stand by conceding our seniority rights. Mr. Toner was allegedly a middle school history teacher. I hope that our president does not have any aspirations of returning to the classroom because he has
failed to learn the lessons that history teaches. The Stand folks will want more down the road. This was the time to fight.
Paul Toner and his minions DO NOT speak for all teachers. He is also a little thin-skinned and can’t take criticism. This is further proof that he is ill-suited to be the leader of the MTA.
I usually look forward to the approach of the new school year. However, I’m not this year. The principal at my school is already making threatening remarks about the new evaluation system. The MTA caved-in on that issue as well.
With all of the erosion of teacher’s rights, I figure my career will end in three or four years. Until then, I will continue to be an outspoken advocate for educators.
Unlike Paul Toner, I’ll never surrender.

Anonymous said...

The analogy does not work. Sudentenland was German, certainly not British. That was the popular opinion at the time. even the Poles grabbed some Czech land from Munich '38. chamberlain looks bad retrospectively but thats just lucky hindsight and history written by Churchill.

Apart from that aside, Toner and Stand are completing the abuse of the petition process, with the former also undermining the democratic nature of the MTA by making gentlemen's agreements on the side.

The Watchdog said...

The analogy certainly works. Neville Chamberlain and the leaders of France and Italy gave Hitler a part of Czechoslovakia in an attempt to avoid war. Paul Toner gave away our seniority in an attempt to avert a battle at the ballot box with Stand For Children.
On another level, Chamberlain had no moral right to cede part of a sovereign nation to Hitler. Paul Toner also did not have the moral right to bargain away our seniority rights.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to take Jack Livramento, Marlene Pollock, Justin Braga, Jon Mitchell, and a few others for a 3-hour harbor cruise on the SS Minnow. After the tiny ship gets tossed to a deserted island, Justin Braga could try to make a radio out of a clam shell.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Seattle.
What the MTA did with Stand On Children is appalling.
I've been a math teacher out here for 6 years at a 70% FRL high school of 1300 (Franklin).
I moved out here in '89 when I was 29. I had lived and worked in Boston as cook from most of '82 to '89 - 5 years in fine dining cooking for rich people - NOT the kind of people I grew up around in Holyoke MA, on welfare, as a teenager.
I remember Dukakis' campaign - a solid bipartisan moderate who the thugs couldn't lie about, who the thugs couldn't scare the middle about, who the thugs couldn't beat up and make us lose. (pst ... anyone remember Willie Horton or Lee Atewater? ) I was starting teacher certification when Howard Dean kicked off in Seattle in 2003 ... and all the people from Newton and Cambridge and Wellesley said that Kerry was the man, he wouldn't scare the middle, the thugs couldn't lie about him, Dean was too radical. (Oops! the people from Queen Anne and Capitol Hill and Wallingford, this is Seattle, NOT Boston!)
Anyhoo - out here in Seattle, headquarters of the Gate$ Foundation, we have the following A$tro-Turff$ vexing teachers - SFC, LEV, A+WA, PFL, NCTQ, CRPE, DFER ... all with lots of money from Gate$ and his ringwraiths.
I'm seeing the same kind of wishy-warshy 'pragmatism' in our union, meeting constantly shifting rightward goalposts, as I see in the Democratic Party - On this side of I-90, people worship whatever comes from beantown. yuk.
Best of luck New Bedford - Bob Murphy, seattle - have Chuck ping me on facebook, I keep 'like'ing his facebook comments.

Sick and Tired said...

I am curious to see what comes of the parent and teacher meetings held this past week at the Administration building. Holding meetings with consultants is nifty, but there needs to be some follow-up action to receive real results. Simply placating the DESE with data on paper that looks good may cut the mustard for a little while, but won't in the long run. Let's see some real and lasting solutions that will benefit both students AND teachers to put NBPS back on the map for achievements and not failures.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't jon Mitchell doing something about the crime rate in New Bedford? One would think that the "tough, former federal prosecutor" would at the very least have something to say about crime.

Anonymous said...

I like the standard times very much. It makes a great fish wrap.

Anonymous said...

^Nice to see some humor during the dark times. I would only order home delivery of the ST if Justin Braga was the delivery boy.

Anonymous said...

As much as Chamberlain didn't have the right to concede so called Czech territory, neither did he have a right to keep Germans under Czech rule. As much as the Yugoslavs, Soviets, and Czechs all rearranged their borders in the 90s, it is not hard to see Sudentenland returning to Germany a mere 18 years after it was taken away. it is fashionable but inaccurate to blame appeasement for ww2. Hitler is to blame, unsurprisingly.

Anonymous said...

Another murder in our city...where is our mayor? What's our mayor doing about it? Why is he silent on crime? Does he have a plan? Is Jon Mitchell MIA? It seems to me that our streets have become the wild wild west?

Anonymous said...

People being beaten and killed in NB and Bob Unger is worried about fireworks. Where are your priorities, Bob?

Anonymous said...

Justin Braga is the education roundtable stooge. There is no way he wrote the 90 page report. If he had, he would have known teachers stay after school practically everyday to help their students. Justin may signed his name to it but he certainly didn't write it.

Anonymous said...

It's sad to see people in this city don't believe a student of New Bedford wrote a 90 page report. Is it too much work for the students? Is it far-fetched for a student committee of 10 students to write a 90 page report?

Please raise the level you believe New Bedford students are at, because they are accomplishing great things.

Proud to have been educated in NB class of 1984 said...

I do not believe Justin is anyone's stooge! He is a smart educated young man, who is passionate about the public school system. You so called adults really have a lot to learn from him & the comittee. If this information isn't factual do you think they would be allowed to present it. And furthermore do really think that someone else did this research. I don't think so I think this group of educated young adults did, because all that work would not be just handed off and signed by these students. If they didn't do the research they wouldn't accept the credit. Please people open your eyes and ears to the facts. Don't just hear and see what you want, work together.... And stop being so nasty. Give these young adults praise & stop the name calling. Shame on you, I know it is freedom of speech, but enough is enough. Have respect, not only for them, but for yourself.

Anonymous said...


This is for the last slogger who wrote that Justin Braga is a stooge. Go to tomorrow nights Open Forum and state your case and call him that, in the end YOU will be the stooge and probably a teacher without a job.. You call yourself a teacher and educator .. from what school? SCHOOL OF ROCK.. You are probably living in fear and part of me feels sorry you .. Well maybe not..SHEA and Mitchell are going to clean house.. YOU BULLY!!

Anonymous said...

Some people feel they are entitled to an opinion while at the same time feel the need to deny the opinions of others. Those that are offended by differing opinions should avoid this blog.

Anonymous said...

Mitchell does need to clean house. He has to make room for his friends, friends of friends, and relatives.

Anonymous said...

Just because it''s in a paper or a book doesn't make it true.

Anonymous said...

So how many of you negative people with your comments have actually read this 90 page report? Just wondering & will you be in attendance tomorrow night or are you going to believe the papers on Tuesday?

Anonymous said...

A reminder to Mayor Mitchell: while you are "cleaning house", try to remember to do some spring cleaning regarding the principal at Roosevelt. In fact, you can keep sweeping her right out the front door!

Anonymous said...

Contract expired 1 year and 1 week ago. Any news, any progress?

Anonymous said...

Watchdog is pretty brave when he can speak anonymously.

Anonymous said...

By the way, "Watchdog" is a person of integrity! One that cares and wants what's best for New Bedford Public Schools,while others just talk.