Monday, January 20, 2014

The re-emergence of Scott Lang

The re-emergence of Scott Lang


Anonymous said...

Lang came out and showed support because he knows the real issues troubling the school department. He knows that it is not the teachers, students but the overall community and social issues. We need to fix the school system. It is broken. However, we need a clear, concise plan with a leader who is not a dictator. Pia Durkin has been fired from TWO districts and Hand really told the true story of Pia today. Now it is up to us as a union to continue to be involved in this process. We need to show up at the next SC meeting in large numbers. Do not become complacent.

Anonymous said...

It is clear to me that if Mr. Lang runs for Mayor again, he will win easily. It's too bad that the superintendent will be at the end of her tenure. Mr. Lang will need to wait for the next superintendent to help sort out the mess that Mr. Mitchell and the superintendent have created. But it will probably be too late anyway, because MCAS results will be too dismal, and give reason for the state to come in and take control. Another pass the buck situation. The funny thing is that it need not be that way. The Mayor and superintendent are two stubborn individuals with an agenda of their own, one that we do not know totally. The people who really care about education are in the minority, the majority, unfortuately could careless, and that is where these two individuals are getting their power from... believe it or not. The superintendent is also getting her power from not showing the weakness of giving in an inch, or so she thinks, and it is the same for the mayor. There are people who lead by aspiring others, and there are people who lead by taking advantage of the people who need to be aspired. You be the judge of who is who. Mr. Lang, if you love this city, please run again.

Anonymous said...

I see Scott Lang was able to make it to the rally AND the Loft opening...what's up with that Councillor Martins?

Anonymous said...

Wish he would consider a run for governor. We could eliminate Mitchell Chester as commissioner of education and maybe get someone in there who has actually seen the inside of a classroom in the past five years. Plus no more stupidity thrown into "Ed reform" , because Scott actually listens to what teachers and kids need in schools!

Anonymous said...

Love Mayor Lang! 👍

Anonymous said...

And yes, I did say Mayor!

Anonymous said...

I wish he still was the mayor!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't believe all of you are drinking the Scott Lang kool aid. Have any of you read the 2010 DOE report? Obviously not. Do you not remember Deb Brown? That was on Scott Lang's watch. Can you not remember him circumventing the school committee to hire Dr Francis? His cuts in 2010 were devastating. He micromanaged everything. He forced out good people only to hire yes men. His first summer as mayor he spent 20k of school funds on "Fenway Clay" for the baseball diamond so the Wareham Gateman could play 2 games!!!! He left the school department burning to the ground and rather than Mitchell put the fire out he seems to be pouring gasoline on it instead.

My point is this. You can dislike and disagree with John Mitchell all you want but don't forget Lang started us on the path to state takeover.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see a reemergence of all the old superintendents. Did they sign a gag order when given the payouts? Speak up before you die! Help us!

Anonymous said...

I have made reference to the fact several times that NO former superintendent or high-level administrator has said a word about the current situation in our school department. Yet...each of them has contributed to its decline. They are collecting big, fat pensions - opening their mouths now would just prove to everyone that they did NOTHING to help our schools. Each of them had the opportunity to make our schools better - they failed as badly as our schools are failing.

Anonymous said...

We have to remember that Councilor Martins wrote a letter of support and stands by educators. He was on the speaking program for the project in his ward and contacted Lou about the conflict. If you also remember, he stood strong at the swearing in and gave us educators all the credit and pretty much told the Mayor the Council is NOT in support of his plan. Us educators are grateful for people like Councilor Martins and his colleagues who stand behind us. If we start criticizing them - we have no one else to turn too, so let's stick together here because they have been very good to us.

Anonymous said...

Lang for President! He has stood with us, against MCAS, since day 1!!!

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!??? Scott Lang IS PART OF THE PROBLEM, just as much as Jon Mitchell is. How quickly we all forget the GIANT mistakes Lang made in bleeding away funds and personally fighting with Mitchell CHester and the MCAS system. His foolish notion that HE would change the MCAS system put New Bedford under the microscope of the State Commissioner. He might as well have told the IRS he didnt believe in taxes and wasnt going to pay anymore- then he whines about getting audited. Mitchell's apathy to Teachers is matched only by Lang's arrogance that he is some savior. Why dont we just vote John Bullard back in and really go for broke!