Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thank you Councilor Gomes



Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Pacheco school-student teachers walked out! The students haven no consequences and behave like a bunch of animals! Thanks Mayor durkin!

Anonymous said...

It's a small step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised that the admin turned the tables on the teacher????

Anonymous said...

No.....I am not the least bit surprised that they blamed her, nor would it surprise me if they changed their decision to expel the kid that threw the chair. The b.s. just does not end - this is insane!

Anonymous said...

This only proves that the teachers in New Bedford are not receiving the support they NEED from the administration. This headmaster must be inline for a new position under Durkin's new top heavy administration.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I think Kulak is doing as he is being told!

Anonymous said...

That is right, the teacher made him assault her. She has no rights to expect not to be attacked at her job. Maybe she ought to consider suing the school dept for unsafe working conditions.

Anonymous said...

Accurate and appreciated. Thank you dear councillor.

Anonymous said...

The kid was wrong, not doubt about it, but the teacher didn't do her job either. She egged him onthem she didn't report the issue either. The kid deserves to be expelled and the teacher deserves to have the incident looked into. She could of handled the situation much better. And I'm not saying he was not at fault for everyone who is going to want to jump on me, but this wasn't handled correctly either and until the schools look into every situation like this one out let's the teacher do whatever they want and let's the student do the same.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't mayor durkin look in HER toolbox and see if there are any tools that might make her seem less robotic and unfeeling!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Councilor Gomes!!!

An NBHS Teacher said...

Mr. Gomes: Thank you so much for your support! I appreciate it so much, as do all of us teachers who are being bullied and abused verbally--as well as physically--on a daily basis. I am proud that you are a city councilor and representing us so courageously.

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself. Kulak is only looking out for himself.

Anonymous said...

Do you see how close headmaster sits to Durkin during school committee meanings? They are best buds...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Councilor Gomes and the rest of the members of the Council for supporting us now and as you did during the rally. What is disappointing is that the Mayor and the elected members of School Committee fail to support their teachers.

Next election we will vote three of them OUT along with the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great if our State Senator, Mark Montigny, aided his failing alma mater, his constituents and the children of New Bedford. He is notably "en absencia" on these issues. I hope he is not counting on the support of more than 1,500 employees of the NBPS and their families in his reelection ... they may decide, sadly, that they don't want to get involved.

Anonymous said...

Oops, School Committee "meetings". Damn auto correct

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Gomes!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy the city council is standing behind the teachers. Thank you Mr. Gomes.

Anonymous said...

Mark Montigny graduated from New Bedford Voc Tech.

Anonymous said...

The teacher did what administration told her to do and the incident was reported. That video does no show her egging him on. She remained cool and professional in a very scary, potentially dangerous, situation. Kudos to her.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised. This administration blames the teachers for everything!

Anonymous said...

I think Montigny went to Voke.

Theresa Lawless said...

Good for you, Mr. Gomes! I'm glad someone outside of teachers sees how ridiculous that is. Someone in admin. was aware because the office was called and someone came. That should be enough notification! If they needed more info they could have called her at home where she was taking two days off after being terrorized in her classroom. I don't know what video one of the Anon. watched but she did not "egg him on" and I don't know how she "could OF handled it better" That would be "could HAVE!"

Anonymous said...

To the person who said the teacher egged him on. What planet are you on? Are the rest of watching the same video of the chair throwing thug as you. The teacher could not have been more calm and direct as to why she took the phone. Please, in all you grand wisdom, how would you have handled it differently?

Anonymous said...

To the person who is saying "The teacher could have contained the situation" -Do you even teach? you have a one hell of a nerve! Go teach in this jungle for a day and then come back and give advice!

Anonymous said...

wasn't the sro officer taking care of a fight the same time,so wasn't able to assist teacher

Anonymous said...

wasn't the sro officer taking care of a fight the same time,so wasn't able to assist teacher

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Brian Gomes,
If I may speak for many of my colleagues in NBPS, we would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for your continued support. It is encouraging that at least one political leader has the fortitude to stand up to what appears to most of the teachers to be a power play for the NBPS. By whom, no one seems to be quite sure. You can bet Mr. Gomes, that these people are from out of town and do not hold the city of NB dear to their hearts as you and most of the teachers within NBPS. It is time for your fellow councilors to stand with you and not allow this NEW school administration, cowardly school committee and inept mayor to further drive OUR city through the mud. New Bedford has received more negative press through the hands of Superintendent Durkin in just 9months of her tenure than this city has experienced in years.

Again Mr. Gomes, Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The person that felt she "egged him on" clearly would have shit his/her pants of it happened to them. Also, if you watch the video you hear the teacher asking for someone to callee office. Don't you dare tell me nobody knew about it! I teach in the district and I hear things that have happened in a school, in most cases, within a few hours of them happening. Are we waitin for another Columbine to happen??? When will people realize that in the real world there are consequences for your actions. The kids are running the schools and With Durkin at the helm I can almost guarantee it's only going to get worse.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay ---- we need leadership ! All 1000 of us should be at every school committee meeting and just stand. Don't speak , don't put yourself in a bad position , just stand. Make a point !

Anonymous said...

Is Pia bonkers? Longer days for high school kids--that's her innovative plan?

Anonymous said...

The person that felt she "egged him on" clearly would have $&@$ his/her pants of it happened to them. Also, if you watch the video you hear the teacher asking for someone to callee office. Don't you dare tell me nobody knew about it! I teach in the district and I hear things that have happened in a school, in most cases, within a few hours of them happening. Are we waitin for another Columbine to happen??? When will people realize that in the real world there are consequences for your actions. The kids are running the schools and With Durkin at the helm I can almost guarantee it's only going to get worse.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can someone PLEASE have this woman removed. What else is it going to take? She needs serious psychological help. When is the union going to put the hammer down?

Anonymous said...

I think Pia needs to spend one day in a classroom and have the entire day recorded so we can all see what perfection looks like.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any posts about this, but I'm sure most teachers can relate....Ms. Maura is being accused of not filing the proper report after the incident to notify administration. How many times have you filed an office referral and absolutely nothing happens? You're supposed to have it returned to you with the outcome. That rarely/never happens. The student doesn't get reprimanded, and your office referral somehow "disappears." Of course, this is done intentionally to discourage you from filing. And then they will use it against you if you don't! It's another example of them winning either way. Gotta love New Bedford!

Anonymous said...

The "egging him on" comment appears to be written by a kid. Take it with a grain of salt...

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much City Councilors! You do more for public education in this city than the Superintendent, Mayor and School Committee combined. Now they want to offer comments...should have done something about it a long time ago. Keep up your good work!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought the administration at NBHS had been replaced. What is Kulak still doing there? Can someone please explain what is going on. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

These kinds of things happen all over the district every day...lies lies lies it's their way of getting rid of people..

Anonymous said...

Kulak gave the teacher in the video a disciplinary letter which may result in her termination.

Anonymous said...

There are certain populations of students durkin and kulak deem throw aways

Anonymous said...

Durkin is throwing Kulak under the bus. When will any responsible political leader do the same with her? She is a disaster for New Bedford.

Anonymous said...

Kulak is doing what he is bullied into doing by durkin. She tortures him. She is cruel and heartless. No conscience.

Anonymous said...

Administration at high school has been replaced BUT everyone has his/her job through June. Kulak is training his new replacement. Some of these administrators will be recycled into other or "newly" created positions. This is the WORST situation NBPS has ever been in.

Anonymous said...

Really? Kulak is being bullied? So, he lacks the ability to think for himself or act courageously on behalf of the teachers? What the hell has he done to improve the high school? He doesn't want to lose his source of income. He'll do what he has to at the expense of others. It is a dog-eat-dog world and your are the biscuit.

Anonymous said...

he's being bullied so he bullies others? Makes a whole lot of sense Not!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Councilor Gomes, for seeing the forest through the trees.

Anonymous said...

How can the mayor be so tone deaf? He had a lot of teacher support at the start. What has changed him?

Anonymous said...

What is former headmaster promised for yielding superintendent's ax?

Anonymous said...

this admin gives me the creeps

Anonymous said...

They should all be thrown under a bus!

Anonymous said...

vicious cycle...

Anonymous said...

how do you give an ineffective administrator another position?

Anonymous said...

Pia Durkin is a man of steel! She has everyone in a choke-hold.

Anonymous said...

Newborn baby found dead on County Street, New Bedford. Could it be a teen pregnancy? Mr. Mayor, how will you address this issue? Will you play it down as you have with the crime rate in your city? It all stems back to quality education and accessibility. We've noticed a spike in crime, so you can't fool us.

Anonymous said...

Why do I think that somehow teachers will be blamed for finding the remains of that poor baby. Wonder what teachers should have done differently to prevent this? How could we have "de-escalated" this issue?

Anonymous said...

Teachers value all students, but many students are spooked by the uncertainties caused by the superintendent. They are dropping out like flies, or enrolling elsewhere. Can you blame them? Too much uncertainty and disruption in consistency. I'd be scared, too!

Anonymous said...

I feel confident that a petite female will be more effective than Kulak. However, she must be feeling far less excited about her new job. A Whaler cheer will never end fear. With the lowest population at NBHS in decades--what excuse will Pia use?

Anonymous said...

De-escalate........must of got that from her spies at CPI...

Anonymous said...

Much of this is a pia power-play. Long after she is gone, her admin hires will still be here. Many have shady pasts and have been dismissed for improper conduct from other districts. This is her way of reminding us of a turbulent era and a way to leave a piece of her behind long after the damage is done.

I really do not think this woman is dealing with a full deck and it sickens me that Mitchell has given her this much power. I also have to question the practice of hiring top-level administrators who were involved in criminal investigations, escorted out of other districts for gross misconduct, all of which were public record before joining NBPS.

These choices place our teachers and students in danger. No parent wants to hear that their children are enrolled in a district where crimes are covered up, background checks are not common practice, and regardless of one's past, they are welcomed here. Would you hand over a child to a convicted molester? That is who the mayor and school committee are forcing us to entrust our children to.

I am removing my three children from this particular district and encouraging my family and friends to do the same. It is just not a safe place to learn or a healthy environment. My trust is broken and I feel deceived.

Anonymous said...

During one of the mayor's speeches, the camera caught some of the audience members playing with their phones, yawning and looking bored to death, and rolling their eyes at his empty words.

Anonymous said...

Watched the Council meeting the other night, everyone make sure you watch it.

Thank you Councilor Gomes for making this motion and the rest of the councilors for sponsoring it. Once again we (teachers) can count on the support from most of our Councilors. What is a shame, as a few of the Councilors mentioned, is that the members of the School Committee have lost their voices and have done nothing to curb what is going on in our schools. The so-called "Education Mayor" Mitchell is doing nothing but destroying the district and making us the laughing stock of the Commonwealth. Great job Jon--please do us all a favor and don't seek office in 2015.

Our Councilors get it that all this violence has to end and that discipline must be restored.

Thank you members of the City Council.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should all burn our NBHS diplomas at the General Meeting? Hire a firefighter to supervise a safe burn.