Friday, April 29, 2016

Want to Know More About the Charter Ballot Question?

CPS is proud to be part of a statewide coalition to educate voters about the ballot question (or "initiative petition") to lift the cap on charter schools. The Campaign to Save Our Public Schools is building a statewide grass roots movement, and we need your support and participation. 

The more people learn, the more they understand why it's important to VOTE NO

Click here to learn more about the ballot question itself and how it would harm the public schools that serve most Massachusetts students. Click here to sign up to help with the campaign. 

And for an up close and personal look at how a "high-performing" charter school treats its students and teachers, read "Sit Down and Shut Up," a guest blog in EduShyster by a charter school teacher. The teacher writes, "In focusing so intensely on discipline, constantly dishing out consequences because we *sweat the small stuff,* we're stifling our kids' creativity. We're breeding resentment toward school in general and diminishing our students' desire to learn." 

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