Monday, December 2, 2013

Sorry to inform you Steve, but you missed the mark ... Submitted by a member

Steve Urbon goes along his merry way of trying to siphon some logic from the teacher evaluation system in his latest column. My take is that unless you're in up to your waist, which you are not, forget-about-it. There are too many pieces to the puzzle, some of which rely on personalities, various levels of incompetence, misinformation and misinterpretation, and just the general nature of the forms.

My favorite part of the column is captured in the following quote, "It would be the same if almost everyone flunks. Teachers know that would indicate something being wrong - the test being too tough, the teacher being inept."

Sorry to inform you Steve, but you missed the mark.

Lets give teachers a little bit of credit, can we. We do have a pretty good handle on some but maybe not all of the problems. It starts with good solid parenting, a high regard and value for education within the family unit, students caring about their own education, stopping the social promotion parade in the elementary and middle schools just to name a few. Lets add to that, students behaving in class, coming prepared to class with a writing instrument, studying a bit for exams, and doing a half way decent job on homework, or just doing homework it general.

Fellow teachers, fill in what I missed. Lets help Steve get a better understanding of the true issues


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with him on one thing. The entire evaluation system should be abandoned. There is nothing reliable about it. There is no real connection to the form and student learning outcomes. Principals and their "eyes" decide what is know those short-term educators that left the classroom, usually because they were not actually dedicated to the instruction of children. Ego over Impact.

Anonymous said...

Let me just speak for the elementary "social promotions". Every year several students are recommended for retention and we are told to cut our list. Pick two and send the rest on is the attitude. You can not keep them back. So I agree with retention but just to let the high school and middle school teachers know that we do suggested and even fight for retention. Our pleas do not matter.

Anonymous said...

All I know is this newspaper has lost a subscriber who is sick of reading clowns like Steve Urbon bash teachers. This guy has no idea about the schools and his articles are absolute garbage.

Anonymous said...

Steve Urbon should refrain from ever writing another article unless he has thoroughly researched the information he is reporting. Otherwise - don't bother. And is it fair to compare a school district where only 71% of the teachers were evaluated to another where over 90% of its teachers were evaluated???

Anonymous said...

Spot on! TEACHING is happening, LEARNING??? many times not. It is absolutely a societal and economic problem. You don't see schools in Lexington getting taken over. It is the "elephant in the room"- no one wants to blame the poverty, the lack of value of education by the parents, the behavioral issues, etc. - ie: the society in this area.

Anonymous said...

Teachers that are in the trenches understand very well that they are not being supported by the mayor, the superintendent, the standard times, or the sc. It would be interesting to get a feel on how many teachers believe they are being supported by their principals.

Do not be surprised how many great teachers will be seeking employment in other towns, and they will be hired if openings are available. If that is what our leaders want, be careful of what you wish.

If a mass exodus of those top tier teachers occur, watch the carnage the following year. I pity the super who takes the reins after this super. What a mess to overcome. She will nowhere to be found either.

The superintendent can only hope that the state swoops in and take control. That way she can claim to be just another pawn in the NB education debacle.

Anonymous said...

Of course, the Standard-Times doesn't want to offend any of its remaining subscribers by saying that anyone is at fault other than the teachers, who probably comprise their smallest group of subscribers because we are all disgusted with their useless rag.

Anonymous said...

Steve, when are you going to give up one day working at the S-T to go in and sub at New Bedford High School? Try teaching in your field and then write your articles.